事業案内|Business Information

ホテル事業|Hotel & Service Apartment


The Hotel Business Division handles the manufacture, procurement, construction, management and delivery of furniture, lighting, carpet etc. FF & E necessary for hotels.
As long as it is a new construction work, drawing of furniture drawings faithful to the design drawn by the designer in the tight process, actual furniture construction and quality are required, and if it is renovation work of the existing hotel, In addition to owner like formulation of renovation process plan while continuing regular sales, correspondence with existing furniture and furniture, correspondence of various adjustment matters with hotel operators, we have a detailed hospitality unique to hotel business company series and We will carry out and manage the project with judgment power. In addition, we are also working with furniture construction, etc. for construction work on medium and small scale facility, which is currently in high demand.

設計 / デザイン|Planning, Design

ホテルでの経験とノウハウを活かした空間のコンセプトを提案いたします。弊社は、パートナー企業として国内外の設計会社、デザイン事務所と長年に亘り協業しています。 We will propose the concept of space utilizing experience and know-how at hotel. As a partner company, we have been collaborating with design companies and design offices in Japan and overseas for many years.

家具製作 / 納品|Furniture product & installation

国内外に所在する数多くの協力会社と30年以上の協業を行なっており、家具設計から製作、納品までを一貫体制で対応いたします。 We have been collaborating with many cooperating companies located in Japan and abroad for more than 30 years and we will respond with furnishings design, production, delivery on a consistent basis.

内装施工|Interior finish work

新規家具製作を伴う床カーペット、壁クロス、天井クロス等一括での内装工事を一貫体制で対応しています。 Floor carpets accompanying the production of new furniture, wall cloths, ceiling cloths etc. are collectively undertaken in an integrated manner.

カーペット製作 / 納品|Carpet product & installation

国内外に所在する数多くの協力会社と協業を行なっており、カーペットデザイン提案から、製造、納品まで対応いたします。 We are collaborating with a number of cooperating companies located in Japan and abroad, we will correspond from carpet design proposal to manufacture and delivery.

調達 / PM業務|Procurement,Purchasing Management

国内、および海外から直接内装資材、FF&Eの各種アイテムを調達、納品いたします。また、これまでの経験をもとに最適な物量を最適な価格で購入・納品し、オーナー様の業務軽減・コスト圧縮に貢献いたします。 We procure and deliver interior materials, FF & E items directly from domestic and overseas. Also, based on our experience, we will purchase and deliver the optimum quantity at the optimum price, contributing to owner's work reduction and cost reduction.